Do you watch the news and obsess over celebrity gossip? Do you go and see every movie that is coming out to theaters? Are you an entertainment junkie? If any (or all!) of those describe you, you may be just the right person to consider starting a blog about it.
Wait, an entertainment blog? Why would you want to do that? Here are a few reasons.
– You like to talk about the entertainment that you enjoy.
– You like to write (that’s usually a good idea).
– People like to listen to you (that is also usually a good idea when it comes to blogging).
– You want to share your opinions about entertainment with people around the world.
Alright, now we’ve got you at least thinking about it, right? So, how do you get started?
– Look at other entertainment blogs. If you’re interested in a specific genre of entertainment, focus on those blogs. Compare and contrast. What do you like? What don’t you like? What would you do differently if you ran those blogs?
– Find a blog site, make a name, sign up. Different blog sites offer different customization’s and options. Find the site that’s best for your needs. Pick a name, use a URL name that’s similar to your site name, and ta-da! You’ve got a blog.
– Get writing. It can’t be this easy, can it? Yes, it can. Blogging is a piece of cake… it’s getting the topics and the audience that may be the struggle. Here are some topic ideas to get you started.
- What’s the big news in entertainment this week?
- What’s your favorite movie or the most recent movie you’ve seen?
- What’s your favorite record or the newest record you’ve bought?
- Tell us about yourself and why you’re an expert and people should listen to you about entertainment. People like to know their bloggers.
- What are your favorite types of entertainment?
- Do you have an opinion on recent celebrity gossip?
See? That’s just a starting list, and you probably got a bunch of ideas out of that alone.
Alright, so you’ve designed your blog and made it your own, and you’ve posted for awhile. How do you find an audience?
If you’re someone who is into entertainment, you’re likely on one (or several) entertainment sites. Do you comment on them? Then let the people who you talk to on those sites know that you’ve started a blog. Do you comment on news stories? Link to your blog (if it’s not against the terms of use for the site you’re posting to).
No matter what way you go about it, starting an entertainment blog can be a really fun project. You get to share your opinions with the masses, you get to talk about some of the things that you really enjoy, and you get to do with uncensored if you so wish. It’s a great idea, so why not start your own entertainment blog today and get writing!