I want to make a website but i don’t know how

A few days ago I received a Facebook message that just said:

“I want to make a website but i don’t know how”

Usually I would just point the guy to my tutorial that shows you exactly how to make a website step by step. But this particular day, I had some time, so I decided I would find out a little more.

To say I had some questions would be the understatement of the year…

  • What kind of website?
  • What is the website for?
  • What is your budget?
  • the list goes on.

Turns out the guy wanted to build a website where he could share his love for gardening, He has a vege garden and grows his own food and wanted to share his tips and techniques with other people who are interested. So I helped him get a simple little website setup that he can share his stuff with.

Making your own website really is a lot easier than most people think.

4 Things To Do When Making Your Own Website

Have you been asking the question “how do I make my own website?” If so I am glad you stumbled upon this article. As you probably already know, creating your own website can be quite the difficult task. There are just so many steps you have to take in order to get everything right. If you are completely new to this it can be very overwhelming and frustrating.

My goal with this article is to share with you a few things you need to do when you are ready to make your own website. Following these simple tips will make this process a lot less daunting.

#1 – Get A Domain Name & Hosting

Getting a domain name and hosting is the first step to building your own website. I encourage you to take your time when picking a domain name. This is the name that will represent your site. The key to a successful domain name is making it easy for your visitors to remember. This is not the time to be fancy. Keep it simple!

#2 – Decide On A Format & Features

How do you want your site to be formatted? Do you want it set up like a blog or an e-commerce site? You also need to figure out the features you want to have. For example, do you want to offer your visitors a comment section? How you format your site will largely depend on who your users are. If you are targeting the younger generation make sure your site is mobile friendly.

#3 – Decide What Type Of Content You Will Provide

Content is the lifeblood of every successful website. If there is no content you won’t have any visitors. That’s why it is so important you take the time to figure out the type of content you want to provide. You should probably decide on your content before deciding on the format of your website. Knowing the type of content you will be producing will help you better decide how the site should be laid out.

#4 – Define A Clear Privacy Policy

These days privacy is everything when it comes to online users. They want to know their information is always safe. Your privacy policy should clearly outline how you will be using any data you collect. You should also provide contact information so you can easily be reached if a visitor feels their privacy has been invaded in anyway by using your site. Your visitors safety should be your number one concern.


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