How To Setup An Indie Music Blog

Although Indie music is very popular, chances are slim that you’ll find a lot of blogs dedicated to the particular style of music. You can change this, however, and start your own Indie music blog. People will thank you for it. It is fast, fun and easy, and you won’t need a Harvard degree to do it.

Starting a music blog allows you to share your love of music with those around you. The topics that you can create and talk about in the blog are endless, and you can be certain that you’ll never run out of interesting ideas in the music world. Create short, informative pieces t hat talk about new artists, favorite songs, the success of Indie music, the best artists- the list of ideas can go on and on. You can even post your own music if you are an artist!

But before you do any of that you will need a blog platform in which to make these posts and to put you out there in the virtual world. There are a ton of those out there, too, so again, nothing difficult about it.

WordPress and Blogger are two of the most popular platforms that are out there right now, and both are available at no cost to you. It is a good idea to take a look at several before you decide. While they are all pretty easy some will offer features the others will not, and these could be features that you are looking for.

Once you’ve chosen your platform you will notice there are tons of themes, graphics and designs to select from. You are free to choose the ones that you like the most. No one will ever tell you that you can’t have it. Creating an Indie music blog is so much fun because you can customize your blog in every way imaginable.

The Post

Once you’ve chosen your blogging platform and designed it to meet your needs it is time to make those posts. Writing is something that most anyone can do if they try. The key to creating a good post is to speak from the heart and not to be shy. Write your posts as if you are writing to someone that you’ve known for years. Not only will the reader respond more to this you can be sure that they come back for more and more.

The instructions on the blogging platform that you have chosen will also guide you through the process of uploading your blog. Make sure that you’ve run it though spelling and grammar checking programs before you post. Create regular posts that are always inviting for your blog.

Creating a blog is one of the easiest things that you will ever do in this life, even if you’ve never used the computer a day in your life. Everyone else is doing it, and so should you. Who knows where this simple, easy and fun indie music blog could take you?


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