The fashion niche is one that has a lot of competition. Now, while this may be the case, that doesn’t mean that this niche is impossible to be successful in. Therefore, if you want to start a fashion blog of your own, you’re definitely in the right place.
I know how hard it can be to come up with ideas, guidelines, and even a nice sounding blog, but it can definitely be done. Even if you’re just starting out, or have a small fashion blog of your own, I want to break down the steps you need to take in order to take it to the next level.
To do so, I’ll be presenting you with a few different sections to make things a bit easier. Here is a look at what I’ll be presenting for you:
Social media
Now that you know what you’re looking at, let’s dive right into the facts.
Social media
If you really want to make your blog popular, the best place to start is social media. This is due to the fact that leveraging social media can help drive more traffic to your blog. So in this section, I’ll give you three ways to use social media to your advantage.
Starting a page that drives people to your blog
The first step when it comes to social media is getting out there and creating a page. Be sure to put your link in your bio, as this will take people directly to your blog. Once you’ve gotten started, take some time to play around with the system, and begin growing your follower base organically. To grow followers organically, my advice is to make sure that you’re being active within your niche.
Posting quality content
Once you start to build your page a bit, you’ll want to make sure that you engage with the community. To do so, post about 2 posts per day. This works on all platforms, but please be sure to monitor the times in which your niche is the most active.
As for the posts themselves, be sure to create engaging posts that encourage users to leave a comment. This helps with the algorithm across social media platforms.
Using influencers
The final step is to make sure that you reach out to influencers often. This is due to the fact that influencers already have a large following, and they can expose your page to that following. Therefore, be sure to converse with influencers about whether or not they would be willing to work with you in that sense.
Guest Posting
The next thing you want to consider is definitely guest posting. While it may seem mundane at first, that doesn’t mean that it won’t work. One thing that I’ll say often during this post is that this is going to take time. Now, with that being said, guest posting is actually something you can start doing today.
How does a guest post work?
A guest post works by approaching an already well established blog. These blogs will usually have quite a few different writers for them, and lots of writers actually go this route. Therefore, the approach is key.
Once you find a fashion blog that allows you to create a guest post, be sure to write some engaging content. To be quite honest with you, from that point on, it shouldn’t be difficult to get a little bit of recognition. At the end of the day, this won’t happen overnight, so just be patient.
Be the Expert
The last thing I want to speak to you about is being the expert. Google ranks blogs, websites, and all other content through the use of crawlers. This means that they know who is quality… and who is not. Therefore, always be sure to write high quality content with plenty of links to credible websites as well (if you reference anything).
Being an expert has a lot to do with having a strong voice within the fashion niche, so pick something that you really love. Trust me, the more passionate about something you are, the better your blog will be.
Blogging is not always about just writing high quality content. While this may be one of the pillars in creating a successful blog, you’ll be surprised by how much actually goes into it.
I know that I went over a lot of information today, but if you ever feel a bit unsure, please feel free to refer back to this article as a guide. Making a fashion blog popular doesn’t need to be hard, and with a little bit of legwork, I bet that you’ll surprise yourself.
Now that you know the facts, are you ready to get started?